Mike and Tricia at
The Cardiff Arms


News and Links




Car Sites

www.mgexperience.net    An internet forum for the discussion of all things MG/Austin(!)/Austin Healey

https://picasaweb.google.com/111387265774197901825/mgmidget1973?fgl=true&pli=1#  A pictorial of a 1973 Midget rebuild that we found invaluable during our rebuild of Gloria.

https://picasaweb.google.com/106239394014885586182  Pictorials of various projects done on another 1973 Midget that was also incredibly useful to us.

www.christinearyan.com Not strictly a car site, but Christine is the daughter of Bob (Robert) who owns RMR Restoration and was so helpful when RMR were working on Gloria.  Christine is a successful local New Hampshire artist with some lovely pieces on display at the RMR office.

Great Dane Sites

www.WYSIWYGGreatDanes.com  Finn and Phoebe's breeders' site, where Finn and Phoebe have their own pages!

www.GDCNE.org  Website of the Great Dane Club of New England.  Tricia has just joined and is hoping to get her membership approved soon!

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